Dear parent,

Greetings to you!!!

They say ‘Charity begins at home’, school being a second home for children we have shouldered the responsibility of introducing them to the opportunities and challenges around. If learning is one side of the coin, then application of the learnt is the other side of it. Van Mahotsav Week was the platform which allowed the students to reinstate the idea of conservation and the three R’s ( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ). This week each grader had a hands-on experience in being a small part of a big change. Students went ahead learning to make paper bags, paper photo frames during their art and craft class to promote the idea of using cloth or paper bags.

A special assembly was conducted to mark the Van Mahotsav Week for grades 3 – 5. Students presented a dance drama talking about the need to conserve trees and environment.  Children of grades 6 – 8 participated in the slogan writing and poster making event as well. The agenda was to share their thoughts on creating awareness about the environment.

Grades 1,2,6 -8 marched around the surroundings of the school to raise awareness on the use of paper bags. They held placards, walked hand in hand, raised slogans to emphasise on the need to apply the three R’s in our day to day life. Children distributed paper bags to the shops in the vicinity and urged them to use cloth/paper bags.

Presentation made in any form to promote an idea is exclusive. The performance of a shadow play on the unheard voice of a tree bearing the pain of the hurting axe was beautifully showcased by the students. Grade 1, 2 could sense the feel of the performance and were sensitized on conserving trees.

Van Mahotsav Day marks the moments of planting new greens around us. The pre- primary hands grabbed the opportunity to plant saplings in the school premises.

The school together echoed the idea and thoughts of Van Mahotsav Week.

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